Thursday, 10 December 2009


We have begun to film so of our music video, the scenes where we are in the bedroom, acting like normal practice whilst shooting at the same time, at the moemnt it has been really succesfull we have got some good shots, that i think will work really well within our video it looks quite amature which is kind of the effect we wanted, a new band look in which people can relate to and seem them as being a new band. the bedroom shots have worked well each member of the band also has their own individual shots, their own solo piece so that each character will have separate parts in the music video so that the audience can get to no each character individually and become more involved with them. Filming is difficult especially due to weather conditions as, we want our outside shots to be light and quite sunny, and as it is the middle of december we haven't yet received one of those days. We are going to carry on filming and hopefully catch a sunny day. 

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