Thursday, 10 December 2009
Action Plan!
The effect of our shots!

Rough Cut!

Further Progress!
Magazine Adverts!
Albumn covers!

The back cover of an album, shows a list of all the songs which are on that disc, it is a good way for people to identify what music they are spending there money on, and what the cd has in store for them and what it has to offer them, it is also a way of persuasion showing you all the songs which are included in the disc, highlighting all the other artists which are included helping you to decide wether this is the right albumn for you, also highlighting all the greatest hits. A back cover usually has a different picture of the artist helping you recognise song to face, maybe a sense of a little more inspiration and acknowledgedment of the music in which you are about to purchase.
The back of an albumn cover also has to include other aspects, such as the barcode, as it summarises the price of the albumn and what you have bought, and certain data of certain products, every item purchased has a barcode on it, it helps keep track of what is being sold and stops shoplifting, a barcode scans the price of the item, as not all albums are sold for the same price, in differnt stores the prices vary so it also helps keep track of what has been sold and the number of these items of which have been sold, helping to generate to the artist the number of albums in which the public have purchased.
Also a booklet is normally included, within an album, displaying information and pictures of and about the artist, it offers inside information about recording the songs, interviews maybe even a few personal details, to help you get to no and understand the artist in which you are buying music from.
Monday, 30 November 2009

I like the idea of using bright colors like this within my cd cover to invite people in, to make the cd cover noticeable, i want to use this similar effect, i have researched into a few different cd covers but there are not many that display the same effect, i am going to create the same effect as the cd cover that i displayed earlier of Blur but the background would consist of different colors and also the way in which the Bands name is presented.
I also looked at the cd cover for the band who's song we are using, as their cover was also similar to the effect in which i wanted to use but only the way in which the letters have been set out.

The way in which Mystery Jets displayed their name within their cd cover, represents how i wish to diaply mine, i have an idea of using varied emotions within tiled space across my cd cover but using blocked out tiles to display the bands name, and using their hands to display the albumn name, it is a new idea of mine and by reseearching into it, it seems that it has not been done before only slightly the same effect by the group Blur.
The composition and layout will be very important it is a big step and must be done correctly to maintain a professional effect. Everything must be created in a specific order, making sure all detail is correct and everything is in place, i want it to look very professional and also very independant, but at the same time very different, my layout will consist of bright colors, and varied emotions, helping the audience get to know what the band is like beofre even listening to their music.
Different Formats of Cd Covers!
Another way to attract the public to the cd cover, is different types of shots within the cover, close ups are especially effective as they bring the audience in, making the cover more personal and emotional, giving a sense of understanding to the public. Cheryl Coles cd cover here is displayed as if she is looking directly at you trying to emoti9onally and physically connect wit the audience, inviting them in through the picture, to try to make the public buy the cd and listen to her music.

The Format of this cd cover is very personal, an every day situation is involved within this cover, it may not look as if a lot of effeort has been put into this, but it would of taken many shots to create the perfect image, i think this cd cover would relate to a lot of people as it is quite confusing it doesn't seem to have an exact meaning or an exact reference to what he is doing or what he is trying to do to connect to the public, he seems to be relaxed, content in a world of his own, i think this cd cover relates as it isn't specific it just shows a normal situation one that many can see therselves in just living a very normal everyday routine. this shot also uses quite a bit of background just enough to show you where he is, and the meaning of this cover, in a school not paying attention, with the corridor behind, different formats of cd covers can appeal to different members of the public. but conveying the right message can be difficult if you are specifically aiming at one audience whereas jaso mras here seems not to be picky, he may use a teenage experience within his cover, but his music is mature and detailed.

Wednesday, 18 November 2009
Music Video Promotion!
An Article on Music Videos!
The Semiotics of Music Videos: It Must Be Written in the Stars
Author: Heidi Peeters
Published: May 2004
Abstract (E): This article builds a semiotic framework for the understanding of popular music videos, arguing that the key to such understanding is the figure of the star. Far from being chaotic visualizations of a song, music videos turn out to be tight constructions, featuring the star as narrator, character and ultimately as the central instigator of a universe that is utopian in nature and poetic in structure.
Abstract (F): Cet article propose une analyse sémiotique des clips musicaux à partir de la figure de la star. Loin dêtre la visualisation chaotique dune chanson, les clips obéissent à des règles bien strictes qui tendent sans exception à mettre en valeur la vedette musicale : la star est à la fois narrateur/narratrice, personnage et, en dernière instance, intermédiaire entre le public et un univers à la fois utopique et poétique.
Keywords: Music videos, semiotics, pop stars, image, utopia
i agree with this as i believe the star within the music video is pictured as describing a story, telling us of their experience and involving us within their music, i also agree with the fact that music videos become tight constructions as they have to, they have to be as presentable as possible as they need to look professional, as if they have been put together with no struggle, as if just like a book easily telling a story with no complications.
Target Audience!
Our Pitch
Video Reference!
This is a reference of just how effective a hand held camera can be, it makes you feel almost as if you are on the other end of the screen involved with what is actually happening it is a very extreme effect and i think would work amazingly to get viewers more involved with the video. it will be an easy relation and much more detailed and corrospondent.

Within the film their is a variety of shots between a handheld camera and a steady camera. The handheld camera gives and effect as if what is happening behind this camera is like a diary someone telling their life story between themself and a lens, it is also like a sense of memory creates flashbacks of someones life helping us to become more involved within the film and feel more emotion which is what we aime to achieve with our music video bringing people in and relating to them in a detailed way.
We have decided that within our video to gain this effect of emotion and involvement we are also going to use handheld and steady cameras, a way of sommunication and understanding of real life situations and realities.
we want to use the handheld camera to represents someones memory using the grainy texture also using the narrative to run through it whilst this is happening.
We also want to include shots where only part of the character is in the shot.
for example using close up shots just including the persons face and not all of their head to show clearer emotion creating the shot to be more personal and communicative as if the camera is the viewers eyes.
'Factory Girl' has its own independent filming techniques. It uses both handheld techniques for the grainy 'old' effects as if it's a memory (in our video the memory/thought could be the boys who are in love with the girl) and the steady hand camera for the narrative or the present.
Mood Board
Monday, 16 November 2009
Our Storyline!
Monday, 9 November 2009
Young Love
Lyrics to Young Love :(feat. Laura Marling)If i only knew your name
i'd go from door to door searching
all the crowded streets for the face
that i once sawif i only knew your name
i'd go from door to doortell me have you seen
the girl i met just once before?one night of love,
nothing more nothing lessone night of love,
to put my head in a messis that you on the bus?
is that you on the train?you wrote your number
on my hand but it came off in the night
of love,nothing more nothing lessone night of love,
has left my bed in a messis that you on the bus?
is that you on the train?
you wrote your number on my hand
but it came off in the rain.if i only knew your name
i'd go from door to doorsearching all the crowded
streets for the face that i once sawif i only knew your name
i'd go from door to doortell em have you seen the girl i met
just once beforewhoooaa.young love never seems to leftfar
too young until they have a past playing games,people move
so fast you don't need eyes to see if someones got a heart
of glassyoung love never seems to lastfar too young until
they have a pastone night of love, nothing more nothing
lessone night of lovethat left my heart in a messif i only
knew your name i'd go from door to doorsearching all the
crowded streets for the face that i once sawif i only knew
your name i'd go from door to doortell me have you seen
the boy i met just once before?whooaa
Another Music Video Reference!
Thursday, 5 November 2009
Relaton to Other Videos
The video fascination is quite a fast upbeat song, but the whole meaning of the song is connected to the story of our video, showing how someone can be obsessed or fanatical about something and how their whole world is surrounded by them. the song gave us many ideas for our video.
Their Record Label
Thursday, 22 October 2009
Background Of Music!
Creation Of Music Act!!
Thursday, 15 October 2009
Independant Record Label
Matchbox Recordings was established in 1997 with the launch of the succesful "Streamline" live music events at venues like The Camden Underworld, Monarch, Red Eye and Bull and Gate.
With over 12 years experience in the music promotion industry, Matchbox Recordings is a long established organisation, offering music promotion, CD pressing, Radio / Press plugging, Mobile phone content including realtone and digital chart single setup, music videos, TV advertising and new music compilations.
The organisation offers comprehensive music promotion, distribution and marketing services to corporate clients, Independent artists and record labels, which are designed to assist in the release, distribution and marketing of new music worldwide.
With top class facilities, the business also has trained worldwide staff allowing clients to achieve the best results and products to promote their productions, projects and releases.
Tuesday, 13 October 2009
Case Study: Music Director
Corbijn moved into the music directing buisness by accident, when he was given a proposition to direct a video.The very strange version of Headhunter becam a milestone in his career.
Palm pictures in 2005 released a dvd collection of Corbijn's work as part of the Director's label series. On 17 May 2007, Corbijn's first feature film Control about the life of Joy Division frontman Ian Curtis premiered to rave reviews at the Cannes Film Festival.
Anton Corbijn directed the song one for u2. There were 3 videos made for the song which adds to the discussions. One of them suggests that "One" is about a gay son confessing to his father that he is HIV-positive—largely assumed because of the content of director Anton Corbijn's video, in which the band dressed in drag and Bono sings the song to his own father. It is filmed in Berlin and has footage of the band driving in Trabant cars. Also, a large amount of sales from the single went to AIDS charities.
Viva La Vida. The official music video for "Viva la Vida" was directed by Hype Williams and premiered at Coldplay's official website on 1 August 2008.[52] The video depicts the band performing against a blurry, warped version of Eugene Delacroix's painting "La Liberté guidant le peuple." The video ends with every band member crumbling to rose petals that fly into the air. Since its release, this video "Viva La Vida" has become one of the most viewed music videos on YouTube, with over 50,000,000 views worldwide.
A second, alternate video was shot in The Hague, the Netherlands, directed by Anton Corbijn and released alongside the first.[53] This second version is a tribute to Corbijn's video for Depeche Mode's "Enjoy the Silence" and portrays Chris Martin as the king from whose perspective the song is sung. During the video, he carries Eugene Delacroix's painting "La Liberté guidant le peuple.". At the end, he hangs the picture up in a white stall on top of a hill. As he sings the last chorus, his band mates surface heading his way, tying in loose ends from the "Violet Hill" video.
Wednesday, 23 September 2009
Case Study: Star Image: Tracing Star Image Through Music Video
in the earl ears 1999-2002 the group travelled around southern united states with their father who was a preacher and their mother who taught them when they was not in school creating a very close family type image, When the boys' father resigned from the church and divorced his wife in 1997, the boys relocated to Nashville and embraced the rock music and lifestyle they had previously been denied.their they met their songwriter Angelo Petraglia, who introduced them to he inflences of people such as the rolling stones,six mnhs later they joined rca records who advised them to add some more members to ther group so they did not originally start out as a group, the two younger brothers then joined which then formed the name of the kings of leon after their father and grandfather who were both named leon.
This is clearly their beggining star image where they all have the same look which any people had at the time in the music industry their image has grown rapidly with their new videos of use somebody and sex is on fire they look more like an independant band now who have accomplished this themselves with the gratitude of their father.
afer recording through most of 208 th group had a breakthrough they released their fourth studion albumn which hit number 1 in the uk album charts also in America in reached number 5 on the billboard charts this albumn @only by the night' was named albumn of the year for 2008. "Sex on Fire" was the first single released for download in the UK on 8 September. The song became their most successful ever as it peaked at number one in the UK and in Ireland. It was also their first song to chart number one on the Billboard Hot Modern Rock chart.
Their image changed rapidly as they semed more of a confident and they didnt even have to change their as it became part of heir successful look, they looked gret and their music was brilliant, all thi success had definately paid of their music was getting beter and they seemed more of a connected group it was all going great for them.
Sunday, 20 September 2009
this video that i have posted i really like beause i think it communicates with the audience, by using everyday situations which could relate to viewers watching it, causin a sense of relation as in living the sam life hat others live, i think it is a really good technique to use, such as the beginning shots like getting out of bed and starting a new day and going to ork all relating tomany viewers. i also think this video is effective as many of the shots in this video are of the artist alone which i think creates a sense of independance that many things can be achieved independantly. and that you can make it happen.